Turkish Economy Minister Ali Babacan said Friday that the government willand disclose its medium-term economic programfiscal plans after the government ' s draft fiscal rule is passed into law by parliament .
The medium-term economic programfiscal plan include the country ' s development plans , strategic plansmacroeconomic policies .
Babacan said there won ' t be major changes on debt stockbudget deficit projections under the revised medium-term economic programfiscal plan .
According to the latest data , Turkish government debt rose to 456 . 9 billion Turkish lira ( $284 . 7 billion ) at the end of April from TRY453 . 8 billion at the end of March .
Turkey posted a budget surplus of TRY5 . 812 billion in May , the Turkish finance ministry said Tuesday . The Turkish government targets a TRY50 billion budget deficit for 2010 . In 2009 , the budget gap was TRY52 . 2 billion .
Turkey To Dısclose Medıum-term Economıc Program
Turkish Economy Minister Ali Babacan said Friday that the government willand disclose its medium-term economic programfiscal plans after the government's draft fiscal rule is passed into law by parliament